Every effort has been made to accurately represent this website/e-book
and it's potential.
The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results,
don't apply to the average reader and are not intended to represent
or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results.
Each individual's success depends on his or her background,
dedication, desire and motivation.
The information given in this website/e-book is a general guidance
only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice.
The ideas given in this website/e-book are based on good, common
However, as everybody's requirements are different, before
starting any weight loss or exercise program, you should consult
your own personal physician and get a complete physical examination.
We are not physicians and we are not dispensing medical advice
by offering the e-book. Only your personal physician can advise
you concerning medical issues. It is your responsibility to
obtain medical advice from your personal physician.
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